the cinderella project is a labor of love to discuss all things wedding, fashion, photography, and interior design related and dedicated to each and every one of you who look forward to that special day when all your dreams come true!
the girl behind the magic wand
grace is a hopeful romantic living in new york city. she fancies peonies and ranunculus, chantilly lace, sweetheart necklines, and long walks down the aisle. having worked for some of the best names in the wedding and fashion industry, she realized her wedding colored glasses have a bit of a fashion forward tint to them and wanted to share her vision of happily ever after with other fashion savvy brides and gals alike. when she's not daydreaming about weddings, she's out wandering the hallowed halls of Bergdorf Goodman, Saks Fifth Avenue, and J. Crew looking for the perfect inspiration. here's an inside peek at all that is beautiful in her world!
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thank you xxx D
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