By now, the turkey with all the trimmings has been eaten, the pumpkin pie has been consumed and the stuffing has left you feeling, well stuffed.
Reader, if you're worried your thighs are going to look more like lumpy mashed potatoes rather than a toned turkey thigh do not fret - you still have at least a few more weeks before the big day.
But if you're one of the many brides that prefer to exercise to something more that a military style boot camp or a bland stair master, why not take a cue from that amazing champion Kristi Yamaguchi circa "Dancing with the Stars?"
Ever since I saw this I have promised myself to do this at my own wedding. What a wonderful way to have a first dance with the Mr. in your life. Now this good idea does require a little coordination on both your parts, but the results are well worth it!
And talk about an entrance making song - "The More I See You." I found a version by the old Hollywood throwback, Michael Bublé. Gosh that Michael Bublé sure knows what he's doing!
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